Sunday, December 16, 2012


Obama Cut One Billion in School Security Funding
Americans need to know the Obama administration cut federal funding for several school security programs.
The administration eliminated funding in 2011-12 for a separate Education Department program that gave money to schools to prevent the type of atrocities that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary.

Two Justice Department programs that had provided more than $200 million to schools for training, security equipment and police resources over the last decade weren't renewed in 2011 and 2012. A separate program that provided $800 million to put police officers inside the schools was ended a few years earlier.

Kenneth Trump, president of the National School Safety and Security Services, said, “I was baffled to see funds and programs cut in these areas.”

Obama stood before America the day of Newtown shooting implying he was going to ban guns.

Emergency Personnel at Sandy Hook Elementary
HOWEVER, Obama failed to mention that He eliminated the Readiness and Emergency Management for Schools (REMS) in his 2012 budget. The program provided annual grants to help schools create emergency crisis preparation and prevention plans for events like the Sandy Hook Massacre.

In 2011, the Justice Policy Institute, which is a liberal leftist think tank, published "Education Under Arrest," a report that concluded schools do not need resource officers to be safe.

Do you think the families of the Sandy Hook Massacre would agree?


The Secure Our Schools (SOS) program, which provided funding to law enforcement agencies to partner with schools for the purchase of crime prevention equipment, staff and student training.

The School Safety Initiative (SSI) program provided grants aimed at preventing violence. They helped state and local agencies with delinquency prevention, community planning and development, and school safety resources.

The COPS in Schools program provided money to communities to hire resource officers who worked inside the schools.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) warned in 2007 that many school district officials said they experienced challenges in planning for emergencies due to a lack of equipment, training for staff, and expertise.


  1. Wish I could read an article like this published by a reputable media outlet, not a right wing propaganda machine. How's a reasonable person supposed to believe this given all the surrounding articles and blogs? Please.

    1. This information is available to the public on federal government websites.

      You should question the integrity of so-called reputable media sources.

      They have forsaken the art of true unbiased reporting in order to protect their precious Obama instead of "We the People."

  2. Thanks for sharing the nice information regarding the security of schools.
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    Thanks a lot.

  3. Information about school security is nice. School administration always make their children safe to remove from unwanted activities.
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