Welcome to small-town Americana Texas-style.
Gatesville is a place where we love God, family, country and state. We don't claim perfection, but we always strive to do what's right. We help those in need, donating food, clothing and other items to our local care center, in fact we shattered the previous record for food donations, giving over 310,000 lbs of food.
We don't always agree, however we mutually respect each person's right to believe as they choose and to live their lives according to those beliefs. Our common bond is the belief that all people are inherently good.
The people in our community are an independent minded lot, but unite in defense of it. We love the ideals that our country was established upon and many of us have fought and died for her.
Every year we celebrate the Christmas Season with a parade that may seem to some as less than fancy, but that's not the point. We do it out of love for our community and the spirit, that over-all, binds us together.
Below are some pictures and a video that I wanted to share with all of America. I present to you the Gatesville Christmas Parade 2012 edition...
"A Hero Christmas"

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