Black Friday certainly lived up to its name as reports came in of violence and lunacy from across the United States this Thanksgiving weekend. Ironically, At a time we as a nation typically give thanks for all the material and non-material good fortunes we have received.
While many families continue the tradition of giving thanks to God in various forms, a dangerous trend has developed over the last 20 years. Scenes depicted in pictures and videos paint a bleak outlook of a devolving society. A society that is becoming ugly, losing respect for the individual and materialistic. What has happened to American civility? Are Consumers and retailers to blame?
Reasons for this rapid increase in violence could be argued from a variety of viewpoints. Could it be the main cause for this escalation is the Obama economy? An economy where businesses are forced to fight for an ever shrinking consumer dollar. An economy where consumers are being hammered by rising energy and food costs. An economy where many are underemployed or unemployed.
Is their a deeper reason? One that ties it self directly to the destruction of the American Family? Children born out of wedlock enter a cycle of poverty that can only be broken by the individual. Marriages ending in divorce due to infidelity. People living together with no commitment.
Businesses demand employees work on holidays and give up valuable time with families. Meanwhile, owners and upper management take those same holidays off to spend time with their families, failing to set an example for their employees or reward them extra.
Whatever the reason, History shows us that a society with no moral code or ethical foundation is doomed to eventual collapse. Averting this impending doom can be accomplished, however it requires action by "We the People" and begins with the individual.
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